Our Story

Sunrise Acres and Spring Ledge Farm are the historic names of our property.  Today, we are known as Pine Ridge Acres.

 You will see our cattle and crops grow along picturesque fields in Falmouth and Cumberland, Maine.  Beginning in 2005, a local family stepped forward to steward these lands for future generations while helping to maintain our state’s agricultural heritage.  A big part of that comes from growing great food.  You can find our all natural and grass-fed beef, turkey, chickens, and eggs in the well-stocked, self-serve farm store. Our farm store also features other local meats including pork and lamb, local dairy, and many other Maine made products. We value the importance of supporting local agriculture and want our customers to be able to know where their food comes from.

In addition to our animals, during the summers we focus on land and crop management in our fields. We work in tandem with many local neighbors to help maintain and preserve their fields as well. Through these mutually beneficial relationships, we are able to diligently produce top quality hay that feeds our own animals year round as well as many nearby farms. Pine Ridge Acres works hard to be a supportive member of the Maine farming community by providing our customers with a wide range of food and products that will feed their own families and allow their homes to grow.

To keep Maine farming, we need great customers.  That is where you come in.

How we farm


Our cattle are on a grass-fed diet meaning no grain, no corn, no growth hormones in their feed, just the grass and minerals natural to an animal’s survival. In the summers our cows graze the fields rotating around the farm and store, enjoying the green grass surrounding them. Their comfort and quality of life are of utmost importance to us and therefore they always have the option to return to the barn to seek cover from the rain or shade from the hot sun, however, many choose to bask in all mother nature has to offer. Throughout late fall, winter, and early spring the fields need time to recover and regrow from many months of use. While the herd takes a break from these pastures, they are fed hay and forage harvested by Pine Ridge Acres from our own and neighboring fields during summer. During this time, they still always have the choice to freely roam from the barn to a large outside yard. They enjoy daily positive interactions with our farm team leading to many of them being quite friendly. They live comfortable, happy and natural lives free of stress and unnecessary intervention. 

Our beef is sold in the farm store and aside from it being from grass-fed cattle, it is also minimally processed, has no added ingredients, and is free of growth-hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. Grass-fed beef is considered to be leaner and healthier than grain-fed beef. Stressed cows have chronic muscle tension that leads to tough meat. In comparison to beef from large-scale factory farms, you can taste for yourself that our cattle are raised with care and compassion, and in a calm environment. By purchasing and consuming our grass-fed beef you are supporting a healthier and happier lifestyle for yourself, your family, the animals on the farm, and the local farmland we all seek to preserve. You can be proud to know where your beef comes from, how it is raised, and the good it brings to our community. 


The fields that we help preserve and harvest hay from are maintained through natural processes. Most importantly, we do not use any pesticides. We fertilize our fields with manure from our cattle. If the field still requires extra growth maintenance, we may fertilize with Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium which are essential and natural primary nutrients for grass to grow.


Our laying hens produce large golden-yolked eggs that can be found in the farm store. We refill the store supply with the eggs laid fresh that morning. The chickens have free range of their large coops and outside pen year-round. We close their coop doors in the evening to protect them from predators, but when daybreak hits, they are back to exploring their outside world. They also enjoy communal rolling nest boxes that not only help keep the eggs clean, but also increase sociability among the birds, and in turn, reduce stress and improve their quality of life. Just like any type of meat or product, you can taste the difference when an animal is living a happy and fulfilled life. That’s just one reason our eggs are such a hit with customers across the entire county. 

Meet our team